DE-STRESSA calming body oil to still the mind and soothe the senses. Helps to restore harmony, calm and well-being. Restful organic
lavender, soothing organic marjoram, balancing organic mandarin. |
DE-TOXA purifying body oil to eliminate toxins, tone and improve the skin texture. Ideal for boosting a body cleanse / weight loss program. Eliminating organic juniper, astringent organic lemon, stimulating organic black pepper.
ENERGY REVIVEAn invigorating body oil to re-charge a tired mind and body. Perfect in the morning to deliver get-up-and-go, or later in the day when stamina needs a boost. Euphoric organic bergamont, energising organic grapefruit, balancing organic lime.
MUSCLE EASEA soothing body oil to revive muscles and joints after work outs, sports or general over-exertion. Can also be used prior to activity, or simply melt away everyday tension / fatigue. Fortifying organic ginger, relieving organic lemongrass, stimulating organic rosemary.
30 minutes - $50 1 hour - $80 |